Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day One: Doniphan to Loup City, 62 miles

Wow...5 o'clock came really early after not getting much sleep! Got to Doniphan at 6, checked in had a great breakfast and were on the road by 7:30.
It was supposed to be in the low to mid 80s today but was closer to 100!
First pit stop was at Wood River at mile 17. Next came the very hospitable town of Cairo..(that's pronounced with a long A not like the city in Egypt!) We got to see Cairo's Roots Museum with an interesting tour given by Jo Riedy who has lived in Cairo her whole life. Had a great buffet lunch in Boleus at mile 41. Last stop was in Rockville. Did you know Nebraska has a Lobster Capitol?! A lot of people have asked how they got that title and I forgot to ask the locals so here's a link to explain it. It all started with an attempt to save their post office!

Then on to Loup City. Unfortunately Peggy got a flat tire 5 miles out of town! The city is putting on a free melodrama for us. It will be early to.bed as we have another early start and 67 miles tomorrow!

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